Effective System Upgrades

Family Owned | Same-Day Services | 2-Year Warranty on Irrigation Systems

Family Owned
Same-Day Services
2-Year Warranty on Irrigation Systems

Ensure Your Irrigation System Can Handle Your Landscape

A sprinkler system needs to meet your needs today and in the future. Whether you are expanding or changing your property, installing new landscaping or shrubs, or just upgrading an old sprinkler system, you need to have the most efficient system out there. 
We stay on top of the technology and upgrade systems to ensure that they are efficiently conserving water and keeping your lawn looking its best.

Because of technological advances, your sprinkler system may need to be upgraded. You may find that you have an area of lawn or shrub beds you would like to add water to. Connecticut Irrigation will provide you with a complete cost evaluation.
Call Us Today for Your FREE Estimate!

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